
Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)

Helping ISVs to become more agile, competitive, and innovative.

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Transform Your ISV’s Growth Trajectory

Revolutionize your ISV's product landscape with our tailored engineering solutions.

At Closeloop, we empower ISVs across industries to engineer cutting-edge products. With our proprietary IPs and frameworks, we enhance your offerings, delivering unmatched value to your end customers. By mitigating product risks and addressing growth challenges, we assume full responsibility as your extended development partner. With our support, you can seamlessly integrate new features, expedite your go-to-market strategy, and maintain a leading edge.

Sneak Peek into Our Innovative Journey


Team Members

Our team members are the heart and soul of our organization, driving innovation and excellence.


Projects Delivered

We take pride in every project delivered, embracing accountability for our successes and challenges.


Hours Worked

Accumulated hours dedicated to delivering excellence with commitment and diligence.


Client Retention Rate

Stellar client satisfaction reflected in impressive retention rates and enduring partnerships.

Our ISVs Solutions

Web Development

Experience seamless web development solutions tailored to your unique business needs and challenges. By streamlining development processes, accelerating development times, and optimizing application performance, we deploy pioneering applications that set you apart in the market.

Experience Design

Put your users first with our user-centric design approach. We employ a meticulous UX design process that blends creativity with technical expertise. We help ISVs build captivating interfaces that not only enhance customer satisfaction but also elevate brand perception and drive conversion rates.

Cloud and DevOps

Navigate the complexities of the cloud confidently with our proven expertise in Cloud and DevOps, delivering value at every step. Whether it's defining strategies, implementing DevOps practices, or optimizing costs, our tailored solutions empower ISVs to thrive in the cloud era.


Transform your digital presence with our mobility solutions focused on intuitive and compelling user experiences. Our holistic approach covers UX design, native and hybrid development, and rigorous testing, delivering compelling and consistent omnichannel experiences that drive customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Data and Analytics

Harness the transformative potential of data to gain actionable insights and drive business success. From strategic consulting to robust analysis, we provide tailored solutions that enable you to make smarter decisions faster, driving measurable impact and competitive differentiation.

Quality Engineering and Testing

Embrace the future of testing with our transformative approach, shifting from traditional QA to agile quality engineering. By integrating technology and best practices tailored to CI/CD and agile environments, we empower ISVs to achieve higher levels of efficiency, reliability, and innovation.

Our Clients

Brands we have helped solve challenges, innovate processes, and elevate operations, all while fostering growth.

Case Studies

Discover How Our Solutions Have Made a Difference in Real-world Scenarios

Explore More Case Studies


A Next Zen Staffing Software



Increase in Placements


Decrease in scheduling time

Explore Case Study

Ithos Global

Cosmetic Regulatory Software



Reduction in IT costs


Faster Disaster Recovery

Explore Case Study


Data Analytics Software



Reduction in onboarding time


Increase in client interest

Explore Case Study


Inventory Management Software



Faster bulk order processing


Quicker listing across channels

Explore Case Study

Ready to redefine success in the ISV landscape? Discover how our expertise can empower you to add features, accelerate growth, and maintain a competitive edge.


Uncover Answers to Your Questions

Get answers to all your questions related to ISV solutions. If you still have queries, feel free to connect with us at

We ensure that our solutions can adapt to your expanding user base through a combination of design decisions and rigorous performance testing. Our team focuses on creating architectures and conducting performance tests to identify and resolve any issues before they impact your users.

At Closeloop, we prioritize security across all aspects of our work. We employ industry security practices like encryption, access controls, and regular security audits to protect your data from threats. Besides, we stay informed about the security trends and compliance standards to keep your software secure and compliant.

We have plenty of experience integrating third-party APIs and services into our software solutions. Our team follows industry best practices for API integration, including thorough documentation, versioning, error handling, and authentication mechanisms. Before anything goes live, we rigorously test it to ensure it fits smoothly with what you've already got in place.


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