Why Sustainable Technology Adoption Should be Your Next Strategic Move

  • Swetha GP
  • Sep 12, 2023
  • 16 Min Read
Sustainable Technology Adoption

Article posted by

Swetha GP

VP of Delivery

She is a VP of Delivery at Closeloop. A communicator, business analyst, and engineering aficionado. Besides handling client relations, and engineering duties, she loves to pour her thoughts on paper. She writes about engineering, technologies, frameworks, and everything related to the software domain. She reads, spends time with family, and enjoys a good walk in nature in her free time. Her dream destination is Greece.

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Sustainability has become an indispensable aspect of business success today, similar to digital transformation. Sustainability drives change within all organizational divisions- whether digital or physical modification. Today, sustainability should form an integral component of corporate strategy. In essence, sustainability for organizations plays out across three areas: Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG).

Leading companies recognize that meeting ambitious sustainability goals requires a holistic approach to transformation, encompassing all facets of the challenge at play. Building sustainability into their competitive advantage requires integrating technology and data from day one.

Tech's role goes well beyond "green IT." As more businesses consider how their technologies and sustainability agendas go hand in hand, management teams must view whether game-changing tech and digital thinking are being employed to meet sustainability goals or whether this critical business issue is missing a crucial aspect.

At an IT consulting company, sustainability is embedded into every part of business, from carbon emission reductions through energy-saving technologies to building employee awareness about environmental responsibility. By prioritizing sustainability, they create a greener future and empower clients to build resilient, eco-friendly IT infrastructures that meet future challenges head-on.

Factors Influencing Sustainability as Part of Strategy

Several elements play into businesses adopting more eco-friendly technologies. Below are a few such factors:

Investor Pressure

One of the primary drivers behind sustainability progress is investor demand. According to Gartner research, in 2020, 85% of investors considered ESG factors when selecting investments, while 91% of banks monitored ESG performance of investments.

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink recently wrote in his letter that investors increasingly emphasize sustainability as an essential tenet for long-term profit and success. Being sustainable does not merely involve doing the right thing but can yield long-term, sustainable profits as well.

Consumer Demand

With more millennials and Gen-Z consumers demanding sustainable products, demand is rising exponentially. 73% of Gen-Zers are willing to spend more on such items; according to a Deloitte study, around 60% of UK residents reduced single-use plastic usage in favour of adopting more eco-friendly lifestyles.

1/3 of UK consumers sought brands with strong, sustainable credentials when selecting brands for purchase, and global demand is expected only to increase, making integrating sustainability into corporate strategy an absolute necessity for remaining relevant in future years.

Regulatory Demands

The Paris Climate Agreement has clarified that governments must be more stringent. Sweden and Germany have set legally binding net zero targets for 2045, while other nations, such as the UK, Canada, Japan, etc., have committed themselves to reaching zero net carbon emissions by 2050. Furthermore, the EU's taxonomy on environmental sustainability impacts not only EU businesses but global firms operating within its boundaries as well.

Anticipating the push from many governments towards sustainability, organizations should begin making the necessary adjustments to become more eco-friendly in their operations. Being proactive about sustainability will lead to improved relationships with regulatory bodies.

As organizations increasingly prioritize green IT practices and reduce their carbon footprint, sustainability is becoming integral to IT Consulting services. Businesses increasingly recognize this imperative.

Attracting Talent

Being an ethical company is vital to attracting talent. A Deloitte survey revealed that 49% of Gen-Z and 44% of millennials made career decisions based on personal ethics; further, 51% of US business students would take lower pay if it meant working for an environmentally friendly firm - not prioritizing sustainability could leave your corporation vulnerable against rival corporations that do.

Greater Productivity

According to McKinsey & Company studies, engaging employees in sustainable behaviours will encourage better performance, with costs reduced by as much as 60%, according to McKinsey & Company studies. According to Deloitte research, an inclusive culture leads to 27% greater profits and 22% increased productivity.

Why is Sustainability the New Driver for Innovation?

Sustainability's rise as an innovation driver can be attributed to several factors. First and foremost is an increasing recognition by businesses, government bodies, and the general population that pressing social and environmental challenges require immediate attention. Several factors influence sustainability's contribution to innovation.

Environmental Concerns

Environmentalism has recently emerged as an engine for innovation, revolutionizing the business landscape and sustainability practices. Climate change, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss have become ever more pressing issues that demand attention, prompting governments, companies, and individuals alike to re-evaluate current practices while placing sustainability as the top priority.

This shift was spurred by our planet's health being intimately tied with that of people and society, making its degradation an ever more serious threat to economic stability, human health, and food security. Governments have since instituted more stringent regulations to compel companies to adopt environmentally friendly practices by reducing carbon footprint and managing waste responsibly while businesses were forced to find cleaner operating methods.

Market awareness of environmental sustainability has increased demand for eco-friendly products and services, giving companies with environmentally responsible offerings a competitive edge by pioneering innovations such as renewable energy sources, product design innovations, and supply chain management systems. Electric vehicles, sustainable packaging technologies, and renewable energy solutions have all seen considerable advancement due to consumer interest.

Environmental concerns have spurred innovation in emerging technologies as well as green infrastructure. Sustainability innovations are changing sectors such as agriculture, transportation, and energy. The circular economy, which aims to promote resource reutilization and reduce waste, has gained popularity. Technology-driven solutions such as AI-powered and Blockchain are also used to optimize resources and minimize environmental impact.

Regulatory Pressure  

The pursuit of sustainability is driven by regulatory pressure. Governments and international bodies increasingly recognize the urgency of environmental and social problems such as climate change, pollution, and human rights violations as increasingly urgent matters. To combat them effectively, governments and international bodies are adopting stringent regulations and policies that force businesses into more eco-friendly practices.

The regulatory environment in place has contributed to the innovation of various industries. Companies today must adhere to regulations designed to minimize waste, ensure ethical labor standards are upheld, reduce emissions, and invest heavily in research and development to comply with these mandates. As a result, new technologies with reduced environmental and social impacts have emerged; emission standards have resulted in electric cars, cleaner energy sources, and energy-saving production methods being developed as solutions.

Regulatory pressure also influences the perceptions of consumers and their behaviors. Sustainability-related regulations often increase consumer awareness and trust in environmentally friendly products and services. Companies are encouraged to adopt innovative practices by producing environmentally friendly goods, adopting transparency in supply chains, and assuring product safety. This makes them strive for innovation, resulting in more sustainable consumer patterns.

Market Demand

The market has become a driving force for innovation in sustainability. Restructuring industries and forcing businesses to adapt, sustainability is altering every facet of business and society alike, increasing awareness among both consumers and firms of environmental issues and prompting an upsurge in sustainable product demand. The increased market demand is causing a boom in innovation as businesses strive to satisfy these demands.

Sustainability has become a priority for all businesses. The ethical and environmental concerns of consumers are influencing their purchasing decisions. Consumers seek products that promote environmental responsibility, reduce environmental impact, and match their values. Businesses adopt innovative practices across their entire value chain to meet this changing consumer demand. This involves developing eco-friendly materials, improving the transparency of supply chains, and adopting practices from circular economies.

Market forces have also encouraged companies to hire IT consultants that invest in renewable and clean technologies. Consumer interest and the desire to capture an ever-expanding share of the sustainability-minded demographic have fuelled innovations such as electric vehicles, renewable energy sources, and energy-saving appliances that promote sustainability.

Investors are also increasingly factoring in sustainability when making decisions. This encourages businesses to be innovative and transparent about their sustainability initiatives. ESG considerations (Environmental, Social, and Governance) have become a critical factor in investment decisions, creating a competitive environment where businesses that prioritize sustainability innovations gain an advantage.

Cost Savings

The pursuit of sustainability has become increasingly driven by cost savings, which have transformed the way that businesses work and fueled progress in the direction of a future that is more economically and environmentally efficient. The realization that profitability and sustainability can be linked is driving this shift.

Resource efficiency is one of the best strategies for driving cost savings and sustainable innovation. Businesses are discovering that by cutting resource consumption such as water, energy, and raw materials, they not only lower their carbon footprint but can cut operational costs significantly as well. Using energy-efficient technologies like LED lighting or more energy-efficient HVAC systems may lower operating expenses and energy bills. Recycling materials can generate income and lower costs.

Circular economy practices that promote the reuse and recycling of products, materials, and processes are growing in popularity due to their cost-cutting potential. Companies have discovered that by designing durable and recyclable products with long life cycles and reduced raw material requirements, they can increase product longevity while cutting production and disposal costs simultaneously. Companies using this approach find more significant sustainability goals while saving costs associated with production and disposal processes.

Supply chain optimization offers another cost-cutting method. Businesses can cut costs by streamlining their transportation systems, decreasing excess inventory, and improving supplier relations. They will also reduce the impact of transportation emissions on the environment.

Risk mitigation can result in cost savings through sustainability. Climate change adaptation, disaster preparation, and other sustainable practices can protect against financial loss associated with social or environmental crises.

Branding and Reputation

Branding and reputation have become powerful drivers for sustainability innovation. They are fundamentally changing the way businesses function and how they position themselves within a world that is socially aware. A positive image of environmental and social responsibility has become increasingly crucial for the success and sustainability of a business in today's world.

Sustainability is an integral component in shaping customer preference for any given company, and they are more likely to patronize businesses that demonstrate excellent practices around sustainability and ethics. Consumer sentiment drives innovation as companies strive to align operations with sustainability goals to improve their brand and reputation.

Branding in sustainability is more than superficial greenwashing. This requires meaningful, concrete actions and innovation that reduce the environmental and social impacts of a business. The drive to be authentic drives businesses to innovate in all aspects of operations, including product design and sourcing, as well as production and supply-chain management. Eco-friendly packaging and fair-trade practices are among the innovations that resonate with ethical and responsible brands.

Branding and reputation also affect investor decisions. Aligning a brand's sustainability values with a company can attract investors who are environmentally and socially aware, thereby highlighting the financial incentive for innovation.

Competitive Edge

The competitive advantage is now a key driver for sustainability innovation. Software development agencies shape the strategies and business practices across industries. A commitment to sustainability is a powerful tool for companies in today's socially aware and dynamic business environment.

Differentiating companies from each other is a crucial way to drive sustainability innovation and competitive advantage. Sustainability-minded companies are more attractive to consumers and investors who prioritize environmental and social responsibility. Eco-friendly products and ethical supply chains, as well as a reduction in carbon footprint, can create an attractive selling proposition for companies. This will increase their market share and boost customer loyalty.

Sustainability innovations can also lead to operational efficiency and cost reductions. Adopting energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources can, for example, reduce costs. This will make companies more competitive. Reduced operating costs and improved profitability can be achieved by adopting sustainable supply chain practices.

Innovations in sustainability can lead to better risk management. Proactive companies that address environmental and social issues are more prepared to deal with regulatory changes, disruptions in the supply chain, and reputational risk. In an uncertain environment, this resilience is a competitive advantage.

Access to Capital  

Access to capital is one of the primary drivers behind sustainability innovation and has resulted in dramatic business shifts. Social and environmental concerns are increasingly pressing; more business leaders recognize that investing in sustainability initiatives can produce long-term profitability and risk reduction benefits.

Capital for sustainable practices allows businesses to implement green initiatives, invest in eco-friendly technologies, and develop green supply chains. Investors and financial institutions are increasingly favorable to companies that demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. This makes it easier to obtain funding for such businesses. In turn, this encourages the development of sustainable technologies, products, and processes to satisfy these criteria.

Furthermore, sustainability-oriented investors influence markets by demanding transparency, environmental impact reporting, and adherence to ethical standards. To meet this growing need, businesses are forced to adapt and innovate.

Partnerships and Collaboration

In the current business environment, collaboration and partnership have become critical drivers for sustainability innovation. Realizing the interdependencies and complexity of sustainability issues, businesses are now forging alliances with other firms, government agencies, research institutes, NGOs, and other groups to address social and environmental challenges effectively.

Pooling resources and knowledge is one of the key ingredients for encouraging sustainability through innovation. By partnering, organizations can share their expertise, reduce research expenses, and access a wider talent pool. Synergy can lead to the rapid development of new solutions such as innovative technologies, business models, or practices.

A more integrated approach to sustainability is also fostered by collaboration. Partners can work together to address the whole value chain. From the raw material sourcing to the end of life products, this will lead to an effective sustainability strategy. Companies can, for example, develop a closed-loop system that encourages circular economy principles and minimizes waste.

Collaboration can also improve access to markets and boost competitiveness. By collaborating to advance sustainability, organizations can gain access to markets and customers who value ethical and responsible products and services. These partnerships can create unique products and services that appeal to increasingly conscientious consumers. This promotes both business growth as well as sustainability.

Technology Advancements

The advancement of technology has become a key driver for sustainability innovation. Technology is revolutionizing industries and steering us toward an eco-conscious future, playing an essential part in today's fast-changing environment. Cloud solutions help to address the challenges associated with sustainability.

Eco-friendly solutions are one of the ways that technology is driving sustainability innovation. Solar and wind energy have revolutionized the energy industry, offering cleaner and more eco-friendly alternatives than fossil fuels like fossil gas. Furthermore, energy-saving technology and intelligent grid systems help decrease emissions and energy use by creating savings opportunities that reduce carbon footprint.

The Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics have revolutionized resource monitoring and sustainability. Businesses and governments can track resource usage in any area, be it agriculture, building management, transportation, or connected devices. The data-driven approach reduces waste and increases efficiency while promoting sustainability.

Innovations in manufacturing, such as 3D printing, advanced materials, and other technologies, allow for the creation of products with less raw material and waste. Using additive manufacturing methods leads to localized, more sustainable production and lower carbon footprints.

Artificial intelligence is another crucial factor in innovation for sustainability. AI algorithms can optimize supply chains and predict maintenance requirements. They can also improve the allocation of resources. Machine learning helps understand complex environmental issues, like climate modeling or pollution control.

In addition, technological advancements allow for greater transparency in the supply chain, which helps combat unethical practices such as deforestation and illegal fishing. The blockchain technology provides an unalterable record of all transactions. This ensures the authenticity of goods and their ethical sourcing.

Resilience over the long term

Long-term resilience is now a key driver for innovation within the sustainability field. Businesses and organizations have become more aware of climate change and other threats, such as resource scarcity and social disruptions. They are now incorporating resilience into their strategy. The focus on resilience over the long term encourages creative solutions to withstand economic, social, and environmental shocks.

In the quest for resilience, innovations include renewable energy technologies and resilient infrastructure. Sustainable agricultural practices can also be developed to better adapt to climate change. Circular economy models are being adopted by businesses to improve sustainability and reduce waste.

In addition, the incorporation of resilience in supply chains, disaster planning, and business continuity plans is encouraging innovative approaches to safeguard against unexpected disruptions. In an interconnected and uncertain world, these innovative solutions will be crucial to the success and survival of communities and businesses.

Benefits of Sustainable Technology Adoption for Your Business

Sustainability concerns have gained increasing consideration in CRM development services as businesses recognize the necessity of including environmental principles and ethical data management practices in their customer relationship management strategies.

Here are the advantages of adopting sustainable technologies within your organization:

Protect Your Brand and Mitigate Risks

Scandals can be the stuff of nightmares for CEOs. Not only can improper practices harm an organization's reputation and cost its customers, but dealing with a public relations nightmare diverts precious human and financial resources away from core operations.

No business can afford to become the company responsible for an oil spill or forcing employees to work under dangerous conditions, so adopting sustainable strategies that protect both the environment and employees is important in protecting yourself against potentially costly incidents.

Sustainable Businesses Are Strategic Assets

Sustainability doesn't diminish business goals; infusing your company with purpose can boost financial success by drawing in motivated, skilled workers who support financial gain. Henderson noted a recent study demonstrating this effect: 89% of executives believe an organization with a shared purpose will have greater employee satisfaction. In comparison, 85% are more likely to recommend such companies to others.

Making your company one that does good in the world rather than simply providing paychecks can give your organization an edge when recruiting top talent.

There's a Growing Market for Sustainable Goods

Sustainable Goods Are Becoming More Popular A 2019 study discovered that 73% of global consumers are willing to adjust their consumption habits to lessen the negative environmental impact, with sustainable product sales growing nearly 21% since 2014.

Millennials pay more for products with sustainable ingredients or social responsibility claims, so adopting sustainable products and practices could increase market share by converting sustainability-minded customers and growing sales.

Cooperative Action Can Drive Change

Working alone may seem impossible or too taxing, yet that isn't the case when powerful companies collaborate to solve some of the world's greatest challenges.

While governments struggle to address public goods problems, purpose-driven companies working together have successfully tackled such issues.

Palm oil is widely considered one of the cheapest, most versatile, and cost-effective ingredients available today - used in nearly half of all packaged products such as soap, lipstick and ice cream -. Yet, its production (pdf) has led to record greenhouse gas emissions that contribute directly to climate change.


Sustainability doesn't mean sacrificing profits or postponing success - rather, it has become a central element in any organization's successful strategy. Businesses that don't incorporate sustainability risks in their planning may struggle with profitability, growth and employee retention.

In coming years, sustainability will play an increasingly vital role in corporate strategy and integrating it into corporate planning processes is of utmost importance. There has already been an upsurge in Fortune 500 companies appointing Chief Sustainability Officers (CSOs). Paying attention to sustainability is necessary to meet investor pressure, consumer demand, regulatory requirements, talent acquisition efforts, and increase productivity.

Organizations and individuals are making strides toward sustainability, with organizations and individuals driving this shift and providing effective sustainability strategies. Overall, those pursuing truly sustainable enterprises with carefully planned plans of attack will reap long-term benefits; once the first three pillars have been addressed successfully, additional value becomes unlocked through two posts that drive brand equity and capital structures over time.

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Migration to Cloud Computing - Why Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the Best Choice

The world is progressing towards portable technologies, from mobile phones to remote work, to a…

How to Create User-Centric Enterprise UX Design

How to Create User-Centric Enterprise UX Design Effectively?

Technology is a wave: either sail the boat or sink out. The enterprises focused on automating b…

iot in electric vehicles charging stations

The Evolution of IoT in EV Charging Stations

The Internet of Things is another revolution in the technology world, leaving us wondering how …


Why to Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

With about 60% of the global population actively accessing the Internet, people need modern way…


Combinations and Permutations of Calculating Website Redesigning Cost

Determining the successful user data interactions and conversations is significant in revamping…


Professor Rana Nayar - A Visit to Closeloop Technologies

Professor Rana Nayar, a Ph.D. in English, a translator of poetry and short fiction from Punjabi…

netsuite for businesses to control and manage ERP

NetSuite for Small, Medium & Large Businesses - For Enhanced Effectiveness and Control

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions are the lifeblood of a business organization. Nets…

cloud computing in fintech

Cloud Computing Shaping The Future of Fintech

Financial technologies are taking the business world by storm. The changing perception regardin…

 salesforce crm solutions for healthcare

Salesforce - Leading Player in the Game of Healthcare Management

  In the healthcare sector, a cyclone of technology is impacting thousands of lives today…

Custom ERP Software Development for Business Automation

Custom ERP Software Development - Ultimate Solution for Business Process Automation

In the dynamic world of business applications, one fixed solution for the constantly changing e…

cross platform app development using flutter

Flutter App Development - The Future of Modern-day Cross-platform Apps

While mobile devices were increasing significantly, the demand for mobile app development servi…

custom mobile app development process

Custom App Development Process - The Complete Guide

Whether big or small, businesses from different industries and start-up founders are taking cha…

cloud computing in logistics - benefits and limitations

Role of Cloud Computing in Logistics in 2023 - Benefits & Limitations

Cloud computing is one of the hottest technologies in this era of digital transformation that i…

mobile application development steps

6 Essential Steps You Must Follow to Develop a Feature-Rich Mobile App

We are living in a technology-driven world where almost everything is available at our fingerti…

Salesforce CRM Pros & Cons for Businesses

Is Salesforce CRM the Best Choice for Your Business? Pros & Cons

Customers are the most important part or lifeblood of a business. The way you onboard customers…

eCommerce store development With Shopify

Ultimate Guide to Build Profitable eCommerce Store With Shopify

To start an eCommerce business that becomes successful, the first step is to develop an enticin…

How to Start a Fintech Startup

Ultimate Guide on How to Start a Fintech Startup

Fintech or financial technology has become one of the most popular ideas for startups today. In…

Recruiting Software Development

Is Your Recruiting Software Ready for the Future of Work?

Recruiting software is a critical part of Human Resources Management (HRM). Basic functionality…

Top 5 Roles in Your Software Engineering Team

Are These 5 (Minimum) Roles On Your Engineering Team? They Should Be!

It can be very challenging and overwhelming to develop technology and software for a non-tech o…

Being Cheaper is Not a Competitive Advantage

Being Cheaper is Not a Competitive Advantage

As someone who attends dozens of startup pitches a month, “our product is cheaper” is a phrase …

Case Study: 6-Months in and Software Vendor Causes $160,000 Loss

Case Study: 6-Months in and Software Vendor Causes $160,000 Loss

PACEfunding’s Business Executive Is Shocked When The Vendor He Hired Fails To Deliver The Softw…

Control and Fear Aren't Your Company's Only Growth Problem

Control and Fear Aren't Your Company's Only Growth Problem

The Invisible Crushing Power of Software Why are companies afraid to partner with the vendors …

Software Bugs Risk $1.7 Trillion in Assets

Software Bugs Risk $1.7 Trillion in Assets

Painful Lawsuits: Huge Toll Taken on Executives at Uber, Equifax, St.Jude, and Provident Financ…

Startup Pitch Event, November 9th, 2017

Startup Pitch Event, November 9th, 2017

As my regular readers know, I frequently serve as a panelist in pitch events. Recently, I decid…

Startup Pitch Event, October 30th, 2017

Startup Pitch Event, October 30th, 2017

As my regular readers know, I frequently serve as a panelist in pitch events. Recently, I decid…

Startup Pitch Event, October 11TH, 2017

Startup Pitch Event, October 11TH, 2017

As my regular readers know, I frequently serve as a panelist in pitch events. Recently, I decid…

Startup Pitch Event September 26th, 2017

Startup Pitch Event September 26th, 2017

As my regular readers know, I frequently serve as a panelist in pitch events. Recently, I decid…

How Can MoviePass Be So Cheap?

How Can MoviePass Be So Cheap?

MoviePass caused major shifts in the movie industry when they lowered their monthly unlimited m…

User Experience is Key

User Experience is Key

There is nothing more tragic than a company with a great product that is hampered by poor user …

Investors Aren't Afraid of Smart Tech Outsourcing

Investors Aren't Afraid of Smart Tech Outsourcing

One of the most misunderstood fears entrepreneurs and startups have is that investors won’t inv…

Three Software Mistakes That Strangle Startups

Three Software Mistakes That Strangle Startups

I love meeting people who launch startups. Their energy and ambition inspire me. One of my life…
