Guide to the NetSuite Salesforce Integration

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Maintaining data and building meaningful customer relationships are two essential tasks of modern businesses, which is why organizations use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tools such as Salesforce for Customer Relationship Management solutions; other popular options such as NetSuite offer both ERP and CRM functionality - although one might choose either solution depending on your organization. Although NetSuite CRM could meet many organizations' needs for delivering exceptional customer satisfaction, more advanced-level customers might prefer Salesforce over NetSuite's offering.

Salesforce CRM software is one of the world's premier customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, facilitating seamless lead creation, account administration, and sales data capture. NetSuite ERP system serves as a leading corporate ERP system that oversees everything from customer experience management and billing to inventory control - These two SaaS providers are used by three out of five businesses globally - thus, connecting NetSuite and Salesforce is one of the best decisions a company can make to maximize sales and accounting efficiency.

Too often, your ERP and CRM exist as separate systems that produce isolated data sets that fail to tell the complete picture of your business. Without integration between ERP and CRM platforms, sharing data becomes inconvenient and time-consuming; you're left fumbling around manually exporting, cleaning and organizing it before spending hours manipulating it in spreadsheets - neither fast nor efficiently. Lots can get lost in translation!

NetSuite Salesforce integration enables your organization to gain insight into how its operations are progressing. Still, enterprises often encounter hurdles when trying to integrate two of the most commonly used source systems: NetSuite ERP and Salesforce CRM. Attempting this may prove daunting if this is your first time doing it!

Once implemented, NetSuite Salesforce integration enables you to access the data necessary for an in-depth view of your company's performance by accessing metrics that matter for your business and providing seamless financial storytelling. This article provides an introduction to both platforms along with their key features. It also details the step-by-step set-up process of NetSuite Salesforce Integration for your company and the benefits that it will bring.

Introduction to NetSuite

NetSuite, an Oracle cloud-based business management suite, features and tools to streamline operations. NetSuite features enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), e-commerce sales platform management, and financial administration capabilities that can all help your organization operate more smoothly.

The all-in-one approach allows businesses to manage finances efficiently, inventory, and customer data. NetSuite can be customized to fit the specific requirements of various industries and is an excellent solution for businesses of any size looking to improve efficiency.

NetSuite platforms feature many exclusive features:


Forecasts are essential in taking advantage of opportunities, and NetSuite CRM's forecasting tools provide accurate real-time data necessary for this process. With its sophisticated set of checks and balances to regulate forecasts and provide insights into Sales opportunities that could affect your overall goals, Forecasting can become an indispensable asset.

Targeted Emails

NetSuite CRM makes managing Email campaigns much simpler. Creating dynamic campaigns with up-to-date content and targeting specific segments of your audience to boost conversion rates is now possible in an integrated system like NetSuite CRM. All email interactions between contacts are saved within their respective registries in NetSuite for future reference.

Integrated Business Functions

NetSuite stands out by uniting multiple business functions into one seamless platform, including finance and inventory management. This integration eliminates the need for separate systems while decreasing manual data entry, promoting efficiency and accuracy.

Financial Management

With NetSuite's powerful Financial Management module, organizations can easily oversee accounting processes, track financial performance and ensure adherence to accounting standards - giving businesses greater financial control and transparency.

Inventory Management

NetSuite's advanced inventory management optimizes supply chains, tracks inventory in real-time and simplifies order fulfilment to achieve efficient operations and optimal inventory levels and operational efficiencies. This feature enables your business to reach optimal inventory levels and operational efficiencies.

Real-Time Dashboards

Real-time dashboards are a popular feature of NetSuite and allow your Customer Service, Sales, and Marketing Teams to monitor key metrics like number of calls resolved, call volume, open opportunities, etc.

Reliable Updates

NetSuite's cloud software makes your data accessible and up-to-date at all times, and dashboards can even be customized per employee so they can see only what information pertains to them.

NetSuite functions aim to streamline processes by consolidating enterprise functions into one application, code version and database.

Introduction to Salesforce

Salesforce needs no formal introduction, as it has rapidly become the premier CRM development solution in just over a year. This platform was introduced to help companies manage their marketing, sales, services, IT, finance and commerce teams from anywhere and at any time so that organizations can ensure customer satisfaction at all times.

Technically speaking, Salesforce functions are services that enable developers to write code that integrates seamlessly with data and events on the Salesforce platform. Programmers can run these functions on-demand with elastic scaling in serverless environments.

Salesforce stands out as an efficient and dependable tool thanks to the following features:

Lead Management

Lead Management in Salesforce allows businesses to effectively manage their sales pipeline and track potential customers, known as leads. It offers a centralized platform to capture, qualify and nurture these potential customers throughout the sales cycle. Utilizing Lead Management allows for efficient distribution to the right sales representatives for prompt follow-ups and maximum conversion rates; additionally, it facilitates scoring/prioritizing so sales teams can focus on prioritizing opportunities more efficiently.

Sales Collaboration

This feature fosters seamless team collaboration, increasing communication and cooperation within the sales department. It offers sales representatives an open workspace to collaborate, share information and stay abreast of customer interactions and sales activities. Furthermore, Sales Collaboration facilitates teams working effectively together as a unit while aligning efforts. Firms or corporations that promote collaboration may increase productivity, visibility into the sales process and overall sales performance.

Opportunity Management

Opportunity Management in Salesforce empowers sales teams to track and manage each sales opportunity from its inception through closure, providing visibility into pipeline, potential bottlenecks, data-driven decisions and increased revenue generation. Opportunity Management's structured approach helps sales representatives update opportunity stage statuses, track progress and forecast revenue forecasting more effectively, allowing businesses to optimize sales processes and maximize revenue generation.


Trailhead from Salesforce is designed for start-ups and budding small businesses, providing intelligence-driven service delivery. Trailhead captures customer data automatically across support channels, emails, calendars and calendar reminders for an all-encompassing customer view. Trailhead features a set-up assistant that quickly responds to customer inquiries while offering in-app tutorials for an improved understanding of its platform.

Quick and Convenient Set-up

Salesforce Offers Quick and Convenient Set-Up Salesforce can be fully set up within weeks, unlike many other CRMs that typically take one year to set up from scratch. Employees don't require prior training to use this tool effectively, thanks to an engaging user interface and workflow design.

NetSuite Salesforce Integration Approaches

Integration of NetSuite and Salesforce has become a requirement among businesses that want to improve their data consistency and streamline operations. This integration can be achieved in several ways, depending on the business requirements and your technical abilities.

Below are some approaches for NetSuite and Salesforce integration:

Point-to-Point Integration

The point-to-point method involves the creation of custom connectors and scripts to connect NetSuite directly with Salesforce. It is a good option for small businesses with limited integration requirements because it's easy to set up. It can be complex to manage as integration needs grow. Every connection between two platforms requires custom code. This makes it challenging to scale and can lead to issues with maintenance as the systems evolve.

Middleware Integration

Middleware like MuleSoft or Jitterbit is more manageable and scalable for NetSuite to Salesforce integration. Middleware platforms are intermediaries between NetSuite and Salesforce and offer pre-built connectors and tools to automate processes and map data.

Salesforce integration services reduce the amount of custom code required and simplify integration. Middleware allows you to design custom workflows, transformations, and automation that facilitate data exchange and automate error handling.

Custom Development

Custom development is the ideal solution for organizations that have complex integration requirements or business processes. This involves creating custom scripts or applications that integrate NetSuite with Salesforce via APIs and Web Services. It offers more flexibility but requires more excellent technical knowledge and longer development times. When you need to control integration or have non-standard, specific requirements, custom development can be a great choice.


Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce is possible using low-code and no-code integration platforms. These platforms are easy to use and require limited technical expertise to deploy them effectively. These platforms come equipped with templates and connectors explicitly built to address common integration scenarios, making setting up integration much more uncomplicated.

iPaaS provides companies with quick ways of setting up simple integrations quickly without extensive development efforts being expended.

Connector Apps

Connector apps designed explicitly for NetSuite or Salesforce integration are another option. They are readily available on the respective app stores and provide pre-built solutions to common integration scenarios. These apps are easy to install and save both time and money. They may be limited if you have highly customized integration needs.

Selecting the Right Middleware Platform Vendor

While selecting the right middleware platform vendor, the following things should be considered thoroughly:

Expertise and Experience

Your chosen NetSuite Salesforce integration consultants should demonstrate significant expertise. They should have an in-depth knowledge of how each system handles data transformation. Before selecting a NetSuite Salesforce, Shopify NetSuite or Salesforce Epicor integration solution provider, ask for proof that these technologies have already been integrated and how their clients have benefitted.

The benefits and drawbacks of linking systems directly (point-to-point) vs. using middleware solutions with functional "hubs" are discussed. Types of data that can be synced, frequency of syncs and total volume handled must all be considered before choosing one option.

Middleware solutions use "connectors" as links between systems and provide an operational hub between Salesforce and NetSuite integration and any other designs you want to integrate. While initially more challenging to implement, middleware offers greater scalability for growing businesses.

Synchronization and Data Types

You must understand which data types can be transmitted and synchronized to avoid disappointment. While specific systems automate or synchronize all customer order history or inventory information, your solution could fall short in providing tracking capabilities for customer orders or products/shipping tracking services.

Businesses can reap enormous benefits by merging two powerful technologies like Salesforce NetSuite integration: increased operational efficiency, real-time insights and data accuracy can be realized with just one source of reliable data. Every aspect of business operation imaginable - inventory control, sales order processing, catalogue management, and invoice generation- can be automated using Salesforce NetSuite Integration; you could even benefit from quick responses to customers' purchase habits!

Accuracy & Maintenance

Ensuring accuracy and maintenance for Salesforce NetSuite integration solutions is just as essential. Maintenance, security updates and product enhancements should all be prioritized, along with who will be in control and how improvements will be handled within your organization. Ideally, cloud-based systems like Salesforce and NetSuite membership include maintenance, so ensure your integration solution is up and running, preferably on the Cloud for maximum productivity in terms of NetSuite Salesforce Integration solutions.

Be Sure to Support

Your integration partner's support should be paramount and provide complete visibility across your various business applications. Discuss what services will be provided once your integration project is completed - mainly the frequency of service visits to monitor data flows or respond quickly when problems arise; client satisfaction could depend on this.

Steps to Integrate NetSuite with Salesforce

Integrating NetSuite and Salesforce involves two primary methods. Third-party integration may be used, or you can use the NetSuite API directly. When connecting NetSuite and Salesforce via a RESTlet-based interface, there are four steps involved, which include:

Create and Incorporate RESTlet Scripts into NetSuite

The Salesforce Integration with NetSuite begins by creating new fields using JS script. Separate files must be made for every object that needs syncing with NetSuite; once you add these JS files, you may add additional fields or contacts as needed. Also, as each new thing needs synching, more script files must be added accordingly.

Authentication requests are required

Data security and privacy are central concerns in any data transfer or online transaction, regardless of size or purpose. In order to ensure data can flow between Salesforce and NetSuite seamlessly, any transfer requires authentication requests - the latter ensures data can transfer seamlessly from NetSuite back into Salesforce if that's desired, though reversing authentication processes is possible.

Salesforce and NetSuite data transfer

Salesforce and NetSuite Data Transfer through data syncing can occur in real-time, batch processing may be preferable. You must develop separate web services within Salesforce that move information between NetSuite and Salesforce using Salesforce opportunities as synced links; additionally, you need a data retrieving batch that generates callouts to obtain JSON data from the NetSuite database - although this method of integration seems convenient, it does have some drawbacks and remains in beta status.

Execute Salesforce batch classes

Running batches is the ideal way to synchronize objects more efficiently; an associate button could simplify this. Congrats - now your NetSuite Salesforce Integration is complete, and here we are!

Coders may find the process straightforward, yet human errors in writing code may cause various functionality issues. But for someone unfamiliar with JavaScript, it can be daunting and challenging.

Benefits of Integrating NetSuite with Salesforce

There are two primary business challenges associated with data integrations that remain constant and universal:

Manual data entry processes: Applying these processes increases the chance for mistakes, complicates communication and creates tension among teams - leading to missed orders, revenue discrepancies and lengthy periods for close.

Poor Visibility between Departments: For example, sales teams sometimes lack visibility into customer payments and finance information, resulting in decreased customer satisfaction and ultimately lost business opportunities.

Salesforce and NetSuite integration addresses these challenges head-on and provides many business benefits across your operations. Let's dive into each use more closely:

Streamlined Data and Process Flow

Integrating NetSuite and Salesforce facilitates seamless data synchronization and process automation, eliminating data silos and manual data entry across departments for an accurate, up-to-date information database, resulting in increased efficiency, reduced errors and enhanced productivity.

One of the ultimate benefits of NetSuite sfdc integration is improved cash flow and team efficiency. Comparing data from two separate systems takes time and effort - often weeks' worth! When it is no longer necessary to rely on someone to compile, organize, and share all necessary NetSuite-Salesforce data, workflows become more efficient; team members can focus their energy on cross-departmental collaboration and strategic planning and action.

NetSuite accounting software enables professionals to produce more accurate financial reports and statements, manage expenses more closely, close bookkeeping accounts more effectively and oversee revenue management more transparently. Salesforce connects all departments into one platform for improved communication and information flow, boosting employee productivity.

Enhanced Sales and Marketing Alignment

Integration between NetSuite and Salesforce fosters improved alignment between your sales and marketing teams. NetSuite collects customer and financial data while Salesforce manages leads and opportunities - combined, these systems form a unified platform that enables teams to share data and insights easily, improving lead conversion rates, targeted marketing campaigns, personalized sales efforts and overall customer journey experience. Sales and marketing work hand in hand, using customer data for consistent and seamless experiences throughout the customer journey.

Error Reduction

NetSuite Salesforce integration makes it easier to see information from both platforms simultaneously, reducing the chance of missing something essential or ending up with incorrect data due to typos or spreadsheet errors when manually aggregating it yourself.

Comprehensive Customer Insights

Your Sales and Marketing Teams' primary aim should be to generate leads and retain customers, so no customer wants to wait long on the phone for the information they are searching for - that would cause customer resentment! Luckily, with NetSuite Salesforce Integration's simple yet automated process, your business can create an unforgettable customer experience for its clients.

Integrating NetSuite's financial and operational data with Salesforce customer information gives you a complete view of your customers. By consolidating these two data sources, you can unearth insights about customer preferences, behaviours, and purchase histories and provide personalized experiences and efficient customer service to customers. Understanding customers' needs helps build stronger relationships that foster loyalty.

Optimizing the Order-to-Cash Cycle

Integrating Salesforce with NetSuite helps organizations streamline this process by automating data transfer between systems. Sales orders, invoices and payments can all be automatically synced, reducing manual data entry errors and giving real-time visibility into order statuses, inventory levels and financial transactions for improved planning and decision-making processes, resulting in operational efficiency gains and customer satisfaction gains.

Increased Reporting and Analytics

Both NetSuite and Salesforce boast powerful reporting and analytics features. Utilizing their integration, creating data reports and dashboards has never been simpler to gain insight into what is happening within a business and deliver critical messages in real time. Comprehensive dashboards integrate financial, sales, customer and other pertinent data into comprehensive reports for real-time analysis and decision-making; with enhanced deep insights into customer behaviour trends analysis performance tracking using our dashboard, you can monitor critical metrics while making more informed business decisions.

Scalability and Flexibility

Businesses require systems that can keep pace with their growth. NetSuite and Salesforce are highly scalable platforms that can adapt seamlessly to meet evolving business requirements, including increasing data volumes, expanding user bases, developing processes or changing workflows. Both offer customization options that enable you to tailor integration specifically to suit individual workflows or needs for maximum scalability and flexibility of integration to support businesses as they expand. This way, your integrated solution remains supportive during all aspects of the business expansion journey.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Integrating NetSuite contributes to an enhanced customer experience by consolidating customer data from various touchpoints, providing a deep insight into customers' preferences, behaviours, and needs - giving your team access to timely responses that offer tailored interactions for personalized interactions, timely responses, relevant offers, long-term relationships that exceed expectations, as well as more.

Limitations of NetSuite/Salesforce Integration

Since NetSuite is an advanced ERP and Salesforce is an extensive CRM system, integration can present some challenges depending on which integration app you choose. Here are some challenges and limitations associated with NetSuite/Salesforce integration.

Time to Value

Integrating Salesforce NetSuite requires patience and dedication since you may need to manually enter or adjust some metrics during integration to ensure they match up accurately. A detailed execution plan must be put in place before initiating integration work - make sure you know your goals for this integration project, schedule time for it to happen, or consider waiting until a slower season for business performance to ensure optimal integration results.

Integration Can Be Messy

Integrating data between systems may result in inaccurate presentations, as they often don't connect properly. Therefore, someone with technical know-how is usually necessary to link between systems manually; otherwise, it becomes time-consuming and tricky.

Missing or Duplicate Data

Data Migration between systems is vital to ensure they work seamlessly together, yet data transfer from one to the other is often incomplete. You might be able to bring some Salesforce information directly into NetSuite; however, all the needed information may require someone manually collecting and merging it before integration occurs. In addition, be wary that opportunities and attributes match correctly to avoid overwriting, duplicate data or anything missing upon integration.

Differing Amounts of Data and File Size

Depending on which integration app you choose, there may be limitations on file size or amount of data to integrate. Ensure no restrictions exist in integrating Salesforce and NetSuite, or vital information may not migrate successfully.

Some Synchronization Is One-Way

With Salesforce Professional's integration flow designed for fields to sync only from Salesforce to NetSuite, updating an account's financial detail fields should only occur via Salesforce.

On top of that, while data can be synced in real-time from NetSuite to Salesforce, Salesforce data only gets synced at set intervals back into NetSuite; therefore, you won't experience real-time integration of all types. Furthermore, errors have been reported when syncing from Salesforce back into NetSuite.

Security Requires Extra Attention

Because both platforms share sensitive data, extra care should be taken in securing and backing up data flows. Someone knowledgeable enough in both systems needs to perform security checks to identify where breaches could arise. Without this individual, your data could become vulnerable and cause serious security problems.


This article introduced both Salesforce and NetSuite applications and their features and provided a step-by-step guide on how you can set up their integration. Furthermore, it discussed all of the many benefits of connecting your accounts.

NetSuite integrates with Salesforce to offer holistic financial and sales data that gives a better view of a company's performance, streamlining and accessing essential data across departments quickly, easily, and more efficiently for strategic insights. Now, managing data and providing exceptional customer service no longer requires manual efforts - thanks to NetSuite Salesforce Integration automating most tasks while improving the customer journey - which builds long-term loyalty among your customer base. However, integration processes may still be messy depending on their implementation method.

Integrate NetSuite and Salesforce today and take advantage of both leading CRM and ERP platforms in your business processes, from customization, faster setup, and flexibility pocket-friendly solutions to pocket-friendly solutions; both platforms will undoubtedly take your operations to new levels! No longer delay integration; hire a Salesforce developer and integrate NetSuite with Salesforce today!

Business success hinges upon seamless and efficient integration, and by adopting best practices and partnering with top integration solutions providers, businesses can harness the power of NetSuite Salesforce integration for growth, innovation, and success. Understanding all approaches to integration, such as custom-built solutions, middleware platforms, and iPaaS services, allows them to make an informed decision regarding which solution best meets their requirements.


Assim Gupta

Assim Gupta linkedin-icon-squre


Assim Gupta is the CEO and Founder of Closeloop, a cutting-edge software development firm that brings bold ideas to life. Assim is a strategic thinker who always asks “WHY are we doing this?” before rolling up his sleeves and digging in. He is data-driven and highly analytical, yet his passion is working with teams to build unexpected, creative solutions that catapult companies forward.

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