Case Study

Ithos Global

AWS Migration Solutions

Seamless AWS migration, enhancing compliance infrastructure efficiency and security.


Ithos Information Network provides regulatory compliance software and services tailored to the cosmetic, personal care, and chemical industries. They assist organizations in effectively managing and navigating complex global regulations and product compliance requirements. The company's offerings are crucial for ensuring adherence to regulatory standards and maintaining market competitiveness in these highly regulated industries.


The initial infrastructure of the Ithos Information Network suffered from several significant shortcomings:

  • Lack of standardization made communication between systems challenging.
  • Security vulnerabilities exposed the system to potential data breaches and cyber threats.
  • Complexity in infrastructure management led to errors and inefficiencies.
  • Scalability limitations hindered the system's ability to accommodate growing demands.
  • Absence of disaster recovery systems posed risks for potential data loss.
  • High costs incurred in building and maintaining the infrastructure.

These limitations jeopardized the efficiency and reliability of the compliance system, necessitating the development of a standardized, secure, and manageable infrastructure.


Ithos recognized the need for a reliable partner with expertise in building secure and sustainable cloud-based systems. They collaborated with us to migrate the Ithos Information Network to the cloud and propose a new architecture hosted on AWS. We provided a range of services, including:

  • Migration services facilitating data and application migration to AWS Cloud.
  • Consulting services offering guidance on architectural approaches and security best practices.
  • Proposal of AWS infrastructure utilizing services such as AWS RDS, MongoDB Atlas, and EC2.
  • Managed services encompassing monitoring, maintenance, and support on AWS Cloud.

This strategic partnership aimed to address the system's shortcomings and pave the way for a more standardized, secure, and efficient infrastructure.


The collaboration with Closeloop resulted in significant benefits for Ithos and its compliance system:

  • Reduced costs by 30% through the pay-as-you-go pricing model of AWS.
  • Improved disaster recovery capabilities with enhanced resilience against disasters.
  • Access to new features and services on AWS platform, enhancing the solution's capabilities.
  • Increased scalability to accommodate growing demands effortlessly.
  • Improved security with the implementation of various AWS security mechanisms.
  • Overall, Closeloop's partnership positioned Ithos favorably for sustained growth and success in the future.

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